This is the second in a series of photos with detail shots of mapping on pinto markings

In the previous post, I mentioned that mapping around markings can come from having dark skin under white hair, a mix of white and colored hair, or a combination of both. Here are some close-ups of each type.
Dark skin mapping
This type of mapping happens when white hair grows from dark skin around the border of markings. It is probably the most common type of mapping seen on pinto patterns—and ordinary white markings. It tends to be more uniform in appearance than mixed hair mapping.

In areas where patterns break down into smaller patches or ticks, skin mapping can form a large area with smaller colored patches inside. This effect is often seen inside the hind legs and under the tail, but it can occur anywhere.

For the Paint mare at the top of the post, most of the "color" in her coat is from skin mapping. The areas where the hair itself is colored are very small.

Mixed hair mapping
This mapping is formed by a mix of white and colored hair around the border of a marking. This type of mapping is less uniform (on average) than dark skin mapping.

Because this effect is created by a mix of hair, rather than the visibility of the underlying skin, this type of mapping may still be visible when the horse is in winter coat.

Combination mapping
As the image of the Spotted Saddle Horse (above) shows, a single horse can have both types of mapping. The winter coat has made the skin mapping on the nose more visible because the white hair is thicker. In summer the spots on the nose might have less pronounced mapping, while the mixed-hair mapping on his next might not change much.
Although it is less common, it is possible to have both types of mapping on the same marking. Here is a close-up of what that looks like. The area closest to the color is a mixture fo red and white hair, while the zone just beyond that (closest to the white area) shows skin mapping.

If you look closely, that is what is happening in some areas of this Paint Horse's coat. (Due to the angle and lighting, it is most visible on the neck)

I hope these images are helpful for artists trying to capture this particular detail when painting. In the next post, I'll share some examples of mapping (or haloing) in appaloosa patterns. Those tend to be a little more chaotic than the ones in pintos!